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formation gestion du temps belgique

Trello basic

Discover how to manage your projects using Trello!

In person or Online?

In person or online

Level category



Basic knowledge of project management

Target audience

Anyone who needs to manage projects


By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand Trello (board, lists, cards, assigning tasks, etc.)
  • Organise collaborative work
  • Manage a project simply and efficiently
  • Use checklists

Detailed programme

  • Introduction to Trello
    • Trello: a cloud application
    • Cloud computing
    • Advantages over traditional applications
    • Key strengths of the application
  • How Trello works
    • Getting started
    • Working with boards/columns/cards
    • Creating a board and learning the basic features
    • Working collaboratively
  • Trello features
    • Dragging and dropping cards
    • Using checklists
    • Adding a description to a card
    • Adding comments
    • Attaching files
    • Inviting a colleague to collaborate, mentioning them on a board
    • Using labels
    • Personalising boards (colours, labels, icons, backgrounds, etc.)
  • Collaborative work
    • Creating a shared board
    • Inviting other members
    • Mentioning another member in comments
  • Tips and tricks



1 day

formation gestion du temps belgique

Upcoming courses

This course will soon be available on an inter-company basis, but we'd be delighted to organise it on your premises too, tailored to your company's needs!

Contact us via our website, by email or by telephone +32 476 62 99 11 if you would like more information.

The analysis of your needs is free!

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