Quality Training: Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence for Office Trainings

For over 15 years, Quality Training has been assisting businesses of all sizes in acquiring the various skills…
E Learning, Webinars, Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, Face-to-Face, Video Tutorials, Hybrid Approach?

Companies must address various training requirements (timing, mobility, budget, diverse learner expectations, etc.), and it’s crucial to choose the…
How to Organize a Webinar from A to Z

The rise of remote work has popularized new ways of communication, with webinars being one of them. They allow for…
Learning to use Photoshop like a pro: our tips

Photoshop is a rather complex software to grasp at first glance. We offer you a list of some practical tips…
What are the expectations of different generations in terms of learning methods?

Baby boomers prefer in-person learning. Generation X favors e-learning. Generations Y and Z, who are highly connected, prioritize digital…
How to Motivate Millennials to Undergo Training in the Workplace ?

In the business environment, training opportunities hold significant value for millennials. As enthusiasts of continuous learning, digital natives aspire to…
How to continue professional development within a company despite remote work?

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the world. However, the need for employee training in companies remains unchanged. But how to…
5 Learning Formats Adapted to Millennials in the Workplace

How to best train employees from the Generation Y? Which teaching methods to favor? Microlearning, personalized learning, role-playing, gamification, and…
10 Tips for Successful Remote Work

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced Belgian workers – stuck at home – to completely rethink their way of working.…
How to Improve Concentration

Are you struggling with concentration issues? Do you find it difficult to stay focused on a task for an extended…
Neurosciences: 8 Elements that Facilitate Learning

A good night’s sleep, a bit of music, and some positive encouragement can help the human brain better integrate new…
The Flowers of the Email

Take control of your emails instead of being controlled by them! To regain control over our lives, to be less…