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Our training courses on hybrid management

The next few months will be crucial in laying the foundations for a new work organisation. We need to capitalise on past experience. Working progressively towards a post-covid hybrid mode will have to be organised well beyond the compulsory teleworking we have known.
It will mean moving from a crisis organisation to a new environment combining different working methods (timetables, meetings, events, etc.), face-to-face and remote collaborative tools (digital workplace, dynamic boards, video-conferencing) and possible locations (office, home, coworking or other more exotic locations, etc.).
As a Manager, your objective is already to optimise the well-being and productivity of your team/unit by co-developing the collaboration and skills needed to prepare for the new working environment.

Face-to-face / Distance learning?

Both formulas are available and can even be mixed according to requirements.


Given the context, the course is aimed at anyone involved in the management of the hybrid mode of working that is going to be established on a structural basis.


Be/become a team manager, part of the HR department or occupy a management position


The 3 objectives of this training for Managers are to

  • Be aware of the risks / challenges and opportunities of structural hybrid work
  • Raising participants’ awareness of resources and tools for capitalisation and co-construction
  • Drawing up an action plan with indicators to measure the success of initiatives to improve the team’s well-being, private/professional balance and productivity

Interactive programme

Inclusion and expectations of participants

  1. A new model for work organisation
    • The spiral of change
    • The challenges and risks of hybrid working
    • A sustainable return to the office
  2. Hybrid management in structural mode
    • The evolution of hybrid management
    • Reactivating links
    • Capitalisation and co-construction
  3. Level up: Hybrid collaboration
    • Means and tools to energise
    • Indicators and their measurement
    • The action plan



1 day

Do you want to train your teams ?

Our training courses are available in Belgium: in Brussels, Wallonia or Flanders, and also in France.
Formation Word Belgique

Contact Quality Training