femme qui rit lors d'une réunion en visio

Our how to communicate effectively remotely trainings

Means of communication have significantly expanded in recent months, allowing us to work remotely while maintaining high levels of performance! But what about the quality of our communication? How can we express ourselves, be heard, understood, and listened to? All of this through the intermediary of computers and phones! Even though we’re all in the same boat, we might not experience this situation in the same way. Therefore, it’s more essential than ever to build connections by adapting our communication style while considering the needs of others.


In-Person / Remote?






Target Audience

This training is intended for anyone who needs to communicate remotely.


This training will provide you with very simple tools to adjust your communication style.

  • You will be better understood.
  • You will maintain better relationships.
  • You will bridge the distance through your presence!

Detailed Program

  • Becoming aware of differences in perception.
  • Understanding the two dimensions of communication.
  • Identifying your preferred communication style and recognizing that of others.
  • Adapting your communication.
  • Tips and tricks for even more effective remote communication.


3 hours

femme qui rit lors d'une réunion en visio

Upcoming courses

This course will soon be available on an inter-company basis, but we'd be delighted to organise it on your premises too, tailored to your company's needs!

Contact us via our website, by email or by telephone +32 476 62 99 11 if you would like more information.

The analysis of your needs is free!

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Our training courses are available in Belgium: in Brussels, Wallonia or Flanders, and also in France.
Formation Word Belgique

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