femme qui rit lors d'une réunion en visio

Our Stress Management trainings

Working from home, a dream for some, a nightmare for others…

  • Your work-life balance is compromised.
  • Contact with colleagues is reduced, and you feel alone or nearly alone in dealing with your challenges.
  • You no longer gauge the impact of your work as much as before.
  • You feel like you’re losing control over organizing your days.

This discomfort stresses you out, which makes you less effective and tired, right?

You feel like hitting the pause button.

Coming back to yourself.

Regaining your calm.

Having access to all your resources again.

We all need a certain level of stress to function optimally.

But beyond that, it harms us.

In-person / Remote?






Target Audience

This training is intended for anyone who is required to work from home or in a hybrid manner.


This training will provide keys to live more calmly on a daily basis by acting on two levels:

In the moment, when you experience a stressful situation.

By establishing practices to be calm and tranquil in a lasting way.

Detailed Program

  • Recognize behaviors that harm you in stressful situations and soften them.
  • Identify stress-inducing elements of remote work and take action.
  • Establish the foundations of a serene daily life.
  • Act on your thoughts.
  • Distinguish between what is under your control and what is not.
  • Discover the most effective techniques to calm yourself.


3 hours.

femme qui rit lors d'une réunion en visio

Upcoming courses

This course will soon be available on an inter-company basis, but we'd be delighted to organise it on your premises too, tailored to your company's needs!

Contact us via our website, by email or by telephone +32 476 62 99 11 if you would like more information.

The analysis of your needs is free!

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Our training courses are available in Belgium: in Brussels, Wallonia or Flanders, and also in France.
Formation Word Belgique

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