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E Learning, Webinars, Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, Face-to-Face, Video Tutorials, Hybrid Approach?

Méthodes formation bureautique


Companies must address various training requirements (timing, mobility, budget, diverse learner expectations, etc.), and it’s crucial to choose the appropriate training methods to ensure real impact and thus a return on investment.

Whether it’s about scheduled courses in the inter-company catalog or creating customized training (In Company), our aim is to offer the best method based on the target audience, subject matter, and training objectives.

Let’s be creative, attentive, agile, flexible, and innovative to achieve a guaranteed return on investment and the motivation of each employee in their learning journey!

Key Elements:

  1. Analysis of learners’ needs and expectations through preparatory meetings with the project manager, as well as the setup and consolidation of online forms sent to each learner. This step clarifies expectations and participants’ experience levels, enabling the creation of homogeneous groups – a crucial condition for session success. It also engages each employee in their training.
  2. Next, the choice of training method is crucial.


E Learning

E Learning allows learners to train at their own pace, wherever and whenever they wish. It also enables self-assessment during and after the learning journey. Their learning path is available at any time.


Blended Learning

Blended Learning combines E Learning with face-to-face interaction (in-person trainer presence). This method offers participants flexible training at their own pace while benefiting from a trainer’s guidance when questions arise.



A webinar is a short, targeted, practical session focused on a specific topic. Participants connect to a virtual room and follow the session for an hour/an hour and a half. It’s a well-balanced mix of theory, practice, and interactions with the trainer.

Webinars come with numerous advantages:

  • No need to travel
  • Flexibility for participants in various cities/countries
  • Possibility to enroll 50 employees (or more) per session
  • Short, targeted, practical format
  • Webinar recording available for free the next day


Customized Videos (or Micro Learning)

Customized videos explain complex subjects clearly and visually in a short timeframe, which might take much longer in a face-to-face setting, for example. One advantage of this method is its transferability; a custom-made video can be accessible to employees wherever they are, in Belgium or worldwide.


Flipped Classroom

This method involves participants before the training, enabling a focused session. Participants receive documents and/or videos to review before the session, ensuring an optimal understanding of the topic. This pre-session preparation allows for active engagement and efficient use of training time.


What about Face-to-Face?

All these training methods are effective when combined with face-to-face sessions. For instance, it’s recommended to complement a face-to-face session with videos before or after to reinforce learning and offer additional tips related to the subject.

Other examples include scheduling a webinar to assess learners’ progress a few weeks after training or offering a supplementary E Learning journey alongside the face-to-face session.

The possibilities are numerous and tailored to each company’s learning objectives!


After the training

Continued support through included support/helpdesk post-training is essential. This allows learners to ask questions at any time, ensuring ongoing learning. The ultimate goal is to motivate employees by involving them from the project’s outset and providing effective, enjoyable, personalized methods.

This winning combination also ensures a return on investment!

Formation bureautique